Our journey to B Corp certification: How difficult is it, and do you need it?

Our founding principle has always been to do good work for nice people. This ethos has guided us through every major project, partnership, and decision we’ve ever made. In May 2024, we formalised this commitment by becoming a Certified B Corporation (B Corp). The process wasn’t easy, but the journey was enlightening, challenging, and ultimately transformative. For B Corp Month, we’d like to share our experiences and the lessons we learned along the way.

Aligning values with certification

We’re lucky in that we started from the position of having clearly defined beliefs and values, and if you’re not currently in the same boat, it’s recommended to spend some time setting out what it is your company stands for, and how that aligns with your desire to become a B Corp. Our end goal has always been to create positive impacts for our clients, community, and the environment, and pursuing B Corp certification seemed like a natural extension of those aims, offering a structured framework to measure and enhance our social, employer and environmental performance.

Hire a consultant who understands the certification process

The B Corp certification process is renowned for its rigor and comprehensiveness, as it evaluates a company's entire social and environmental performance, from supply chain practices to employee benefits. It’s also a set of standards designed in the US in order to be applied to US-based companies, which gives it a perspective that doesn’t seamlessly dovetail with the practices of UK-based companies. To navigate this complex landscape, we enlisted the help of a consultant experienced in B Corp standards. Our consultant's expertise was invaluable in interpreting these nuances and ensuring we met the required points score.

You’re probably underestimating the time commitment

One of the most significant lessons we learned was the sheer amount of time and resources that are required to reach B Corp status. The certification process is not a quick ticklist exercise, and tasks such as completing the B Impact Assessment, gathering documentation, and implementing necessary changes demand substantial effort. What we initially estimated as a few months extended much longer, so our advice to others is to take your initial time estimate and then triple it. This allows for a more realistic planning and resource allocation, with some breathing room during the evidence-gathering phase.

Your governance and processes will get stronger

An unexpected but profoundly positive outcome of the B Corp process was the introspection it prompted regarding our governance, policies, and processes. We’d always believed we had a robust structure, but the assessment revealed areas for improvement we hadn't previously considered. Addressing these gaps has resulted in a tighter, better-governed operation.

Taking an objective look in the mirror is rarely a comfortable thing to do, but the process compelled us to confront all aspects of our business critically, leading to enhanced accountability and transparency.

B Corp status should be more than just a badge

It's essential to understand that B Corp certification is not merely a marketing tool, and going through the process just to enhance your marketing is more likely than ever to lead to the wrong kind of publicity for your company now that there is increased attention on which companies are attaining the certification. Authenticity is key. The true value lies in the genuine commitment to continuous improvement and positive impact which comes with becoming a B Corp. For us, the certification serves as a reminder of our responsibilities and the standards we strive to uphold.

How becoming a B Corp has helped us

Embarking on the journey to B Corp certification has been transformative for us. It reinforced our core values, challenged us to improve, and provided a framework for sustainable and responsible growth. For businesses considering this path, we encourage you to embrace the process wholeheartedly. It's a demanding journey, but the rewards—in terms of internal growth, external credibility, and societal impact—are immeasurable.

For more information on B Corp certification and its benefits, visit theB Lab UK website.